jueves, 25 de febrero de 2016

5. Respon
a) Ordena els llenguatges d'etiquetes segons l'ordre en què es van crear, la senzillesa i el potencial.

b)Jo triaria el HTML

c)Les principals aventages son les actualitzacions

6. Classifica
  1. Navegadors: Motzilla, Internet Explorer, Safari
  2. Editors: Amaya, firebug, opera
  3. Depuradors: NVU,
1. Pagina web de colors

2. Taula de colors

Tool Box:

Descripció de l'app:

Start with four basic items and use them to find dinosaurs, unicorns and spaceships!FEATURES • 550 elements.• One-handed gameplay.• Available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, French, Polish, Dutch, Swedish and Norwegian.• Mix elements to create interesting, fun and surprising items.•...

Descripció de l'app

N.B. This is a preview release. Everything in it works and more will be added soon.Download the app to control Blue-Bot, the new addition to the TTS floor robot family. The app enables you to write an algorithm, send it and then Blue-Bot will follow your instructions. There are numerous...

Descripció de l'app

Transform your Classroom into an Unforgettable Adventure!Play Classcraft and:- Get your students super motivated- Help them get better grades- Effortlessly manage classroom behavior- Teach meaningful teamwork Try it out today for FREE! Classcraft is a free online educational role-playing game...
Google apps:
Youtube:  is a video-sharing website headquartered in San Bruno, California, United States. The service was created by three former PayPal employees in February 2005. 
Gmail: Gmail (pronounced Gee-mail) is a free Web-based e-mail service currently being tested at Google that provides users with a gigabyte of storage for messages and provides the ability to search for specific messages. The Gmail program also automatically organizes successively related messages into a conversational thread.